Monday, September 04, 2006

Animal Crossing Again

OK. So I splurged yet again, and purchased another copy of Animal Crossing off of eBay. (You've gotta love eBay for the ability to find anything!) So far it's saved me $15, including shipping! Not to mention saving me referee time with the kids. Woo hoo! Hoping I'll see it by the end of the weekend. :)

Shea, Clark and I each have a person in town now. What I don't understand is why we all have to do the exact same things? I was hoping that we would save time by helping each other out with reduced rent, so to speak. Guess we'll see. I've been quite impressed by how much Shea has been able to figure out even without being able to read. Of course, Clark has already talked with everyone and even created his own constellation! Now, we're all working on convincing Steve to join our house, too. lol I'm such a geek.

In knitting news I managed to add another 1/4" to the socks, which seems to be about the width of each stripe. It's fun to watch the bands grow and see the colors blend. But the socks still aren't coming along as quickly as I think they should in my mind. I am concentrating on improving my purl tension. We'll see how it goes.

Too tired now to do much more of anything right now. It was a terrific weekend with a lot of friends preventing us from being homebodies. It actually makes it a little easier to get back to work for some reason.

ETA: So sad about Steve Irwin. I always found him fun to watch. He seemed to be so full of like! I feel so sad for his family. :(

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