Monday, September 11, 2006

9/11 Remembered

Never forget.

How can I? 9/11 was truly one of those events I will always remember.

I was pregnant with Shea and near the end of my 9 months. I decided to sleep in a little, since I wasn't feeling all that well and rather exhausted. When I first woke up the main topic in the news was the Bronco's Monday Night game and Ed McCaffrey's broken leg. I called in to work and went back to sleep. As I was driving in, I heard the news on the radio. A plane had crashed into one of the World Trade Center towers! I had a glimmering fear of terrorist attack, and then it was confirmed as the reporter suddenly started saying that another had just crashed into the other tower! What chaos! What an immense feeling of fear and concern, anger and sorrow!

It was already all the talk at work when I arrived, and it continued to absorb everyone all day. The worry was palpable. Management tried to get us all to "show those terrorists and get back to work" but it was difficult when it was on everyone's mind, including our customer's. Plus, nothing could be shipped for the next few days.

Of course, it was stressful. Sadly, one of my greatest fears was that Shea would be born near the day. I did not want her birthday to be constantly associated with 9/11, since I knew it would remain emblazoned in our history books. I guess that personalizing the event was my feeble way of trying to cope with the situation.

My thoughts and prayers go out to eveyone who experienced loss from 9/11. You will not be forgotten.

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