Friday, July 07, 2006

Mystery Stole 2006

Woo Hoo the first clue has been posted! It looks to be fabulous! Can't wait to do some knitting tonight!


I managed to complete the first couple rows, but it's not easy. I'm still struggling with the laceweight fiber. And now I truly understand why everyone complains about the stiffness of the Boye's interchangeables' cables. As I noted before, I'm attempting to use a cable as waste yarn to be picked up later. However, since it's so stiff, it's difficult to keep it out of the way. It's hindering my knitting, and it makes me grip everything too tightly. I'm hoping that once I get into a few rows of the pattern it won't be such an issue. I am a little concerned that I'm not going to be able to use my beads. I'm hoping to get more comfortable with knitting lace. Right now, I'm just frustrated.

And I haven't made good progress with Ella either. Somehow I've been off 2 stitches, and this after frogging 3 times! AAARGH!! (My pirate speak in recognition of the opening of Pirates this weekend. Me thinks we'll have to make it a point to see this one in the theater.)

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