Saturday, July 01, 2006

Knitting, Noni & New LYS

Six days off, and so far I have burned off two doing pretty much nothing. Even much of my Ella progress is heeded with knitting errors on my part and much frogging. I keep reminding myself that I originally took the time off for a trip to Minnesota, which we had to cancel due to high flight traffic. (Yes, maybe we should plan to buy tickets instead, but it's not an easy thing to budget for a family of four who is used to traveling non-rev.)

Tuesday evening Steve and Clark returned from Magness Camp.

They asked us to meet them at Red Robin for dinner. Since Shea and I had a little time between Shea's swim lesson and our dinner date, we stopped by Hobby Lobby. I purchaesd an additional set of Boye's US Size 4 interchangeable needles along with another cord. Plus, Shea picked out some Caron's Simply Soft in off white (looks like a pale yellow) and pink for the
Summer Swing Top. Now I just have to finish Ella and squeeze in some time with Mystery Stole knitting to get it finished before summer ends.

I left work early/on-time Wednesday afternoon to catch Superman Returns with Steve and the kids. (Steve actually took two weeks off!) Overall, I rather liked the movie, and mostly because Brandon Routh is just too hot not to enjoy looking at. However, Shea got pretty bored - only one potty visit though. The story seemed to move very slowly, and there wasn't as much action as I would have liked. It concentrated on Lois and Superman's relationship instead of Superman's herorics. It didn't help that the movie is quite long. I think that Clark enjoyed it, but again the whole love story thing probably wasn't very impressive to a six-year-old boy.

However, that is about the extent of doing anything so far on my vacation. Thursday I spent with the kids while Steve ran errands purchasing items for this homemade saki he plans to start with a friend next week . We attempted to go to the school playground, but that was cut very short due to Shea dramatics (sobbing about everything) and the heat.

Yesterday, was my errand day. I've decided that since my Mystery Stole is in a pastel, I would attempt to make it more jewel-toned-like with beads. It will be my first time knitting with beads, and since I don't even know the pattern (why it's a mystery stole), it's probably not one of my brightest ideas. But once I get something like that in my head, I can't get it out. I purchased a smaller crochet hook to use with some tiny Mill Hill aqua beads. I, also, visited a terrific bead shop, Bead It, which carries a multitude of sead bead colors and varieties. Bead heaven! I bought some teal colored triangular beads. Should add quite a bit of sparkle. We'll see which ones I ultimately decide to use, if any.

I finally took some time to visit the new knitting store, which ironically replaced one of my favorite scrapbooking stores. It's called The Knitting Habitat. What a beautiful shop! The service was terrific! The owner Gina and her assistant Terry really made me feel at home! The yarn selection is outstanding with everything just calling at you to touch it. And the store samples are sooo inspiring! I plan to make it a point to frequent the shop often, even if my budget doesn't like it, especially since it is so close to home. ;) I purchased a mini Kacha for Shea's Summer Swing Top. I think this may be the best way to easily count rows.

In more knitting news I also purchased three (yes 3!) Noni bag patterns. Couldn't help myself when I found they were on sale at Diva Knitting. My sister was particularly enamored with my cable purse during her visit all the while giving me specifics on what she would like best - larger, wider, colors, etc. Since I don't particularly like duplicating anything, I think I'll knit a Noni bag for her instead. Now the fun begins with deciding which one and what colors, yarn, etc.

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