Thursday, June 15, 2006

Lovin' Lace

What is it about lace? Is it the beautiful pattern? Or the way the light catches in between the stitches? Is it the lovely drape? Or how something so elegant can be both practical for warmth and frivolous for airiness? Maybe it's the color or it's pure sexiness? Whatever the reason I was immediately drawn to it, and it seems to be one of the hot knitting trends.

Even though Ella isn't the laciest pattern it has started out as a good learning experience. I struggled with both knitting with laceweight (albeit double-stranded) for the first time. I was very close to purchasing a set of Denise needles, since my Boye's were frustrating me - too pointy, not pointy enough, too slippery yet a pain to work with the lump between cable and needle. And the p2tog tbl and k2tog tbl's - even more aggravating. I even broke one of my lace strands struggling with a p2tog tbl stitch. Well, I finally figured it out last night! Why didn't I check out KnittingHelp first?! I was picking up my stitches from the wrong side. Not only was I getting an extra YO because I wasn't differentiating between a p2tog tbl and a k2tog tbl, but I was twisting my stitches. Whew! Thank goodness for KnittingHelp! That site is such a boon for knitters! Now I don't even have to splurge on a set of Denise's.

Now I'm knitting along rather nicely, if I do say so myself. After knitting Calla, I'm more familiar with how lace stitches look on the needle. It's helping me count my stitches because it's a little difficult to use markers, since the count changes with every row. In fact one of my fellow Mystery Stole 2006 participants noted that as one gets more familiar with knitting lace the use of lifelines could be come non-existant. She points out that fear and over analyzing are the lace's biggest roadblocks. The aids of markers and lifelines help at first, but the knitter soon learns how to read her stitches and correct mistakes just like any other knitted pattern. Cool! This gives me hope that someday it won't take me six weeks to complete one lacy tank top.

Speaking of Mystery Stole 2006, I joined on a whim thinking it would be a great way to test out my Jaggerspun Zephyr. (Hoping it arrives in the mail today!) What a great group! There is already a nicely sized group of Colorado participants. I'm getting really excited to get started. I'm hoping I'll have Ella complete before we receive or first clue July 7. A jewel toned or white yarn has been suggested. Too bad I only have a pastel colored yarn in 1200 yards, but we'll see. I'm hoping I'll still be pleased with the results.

I think we may get to visit the Estes Park Wool Market on Sunday! Convinced DH that it might be a fun road trip. AND I think I'll have my new camera in time, too! :D

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