Friday, May 26, 2006

Made it to the Weekend

AND it's a 3-day one, too!!! Woo Hoo!! Even though this week has flown by, it's been rather stressful. Took home too many extra projects from work. But I am not working extra this weekend!

Still organizing, too. I've added more eBay listings. And I've been trying to convince myself to post even more - especially some more dolls which I have been collecting for years now but never look at. I can think of only a few that I truly love and can't bear to part with. I've pretty much sold most of the ones that aren't my very favorites. Now I've just got to work on parting with the ones that I like A LOT but don't LOVE. It's difficult for me to let go. However, if I keep reminding myself that I want this camera - Canon PowerShot S3 IS - then I'm hoping it will behoove my frugal nature to win out over my pack rat tendencies. So far the battle is a stalemate, but I'll keep you posted.

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