Wednesday, March 01, 2006

Home Alone

Now that the kids have started going over to friends' houses more often it is becoming more common that I have some time alone at home. I guess I have mixed feelings about it. It is nice to do whatever without the help (or hindrance) from little ones, but the house also seems a little too quiet. In any case I guess it's a good excuse to do a little blog updating even if I should be doing some kind of house cleaning.

The other night Clark officially became a Tiger Cub - the first grade Boy Scout. It was a fun ceremony in which the dads (or adult sponsor) painted their faces and the boys did a cheer. Clark also got a chance to paint his dad's nose. Here's a photo of the two of them after we got back home:

Here's a shot taken by Shea of the rest of her family. Shea's actually getting pretty good at taking pictures.

And here's a progress shot on my sweater. (Obviously I'll still have a couple of hours of finishing to do once I finally finish the knitting!) I've taken a little break from it because I'm trying to complete a scarf for my sister before she goes on vacation in Asia, but we'll have to see how successful I end up.

I finally got my ball winder from Joann's yesterday. I love how quickly and easily it operates. However, I can definitely see why I will need a swift in the near future because I still had to guide the yarn off of the chairs I was using to hold the hank. Too bad my Joann's coupons expired the very day I finally decided to order a swift once and for all. Serves me right for being on the fence about purchasing one. I just kept hoping I could get away without one. I guess I could but being the gadget girl that I am, I know I'll greatly appreciate the efficiency of a swift.

Clark is such a cutie!

I love how the sweater is turning out. Very nice!
Clark is such a cutie!

I love the sweater, it's coming along great!
Congratulations Clark!!! Nan, your Tubey looks great! I'd love to make it, but fear it would hug all the WRONG places on me, LOL! Can't wait to see your finished pic!
It's march 8th. Do you know where your recent blog post is????
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